Kuldne abielusõrmus "Comfort fit"

Laos pole


  • SKU: ZG4MM/1W
  • Kivi: Ilma kivideta
  • Metall / Materjal: Valge kuld 585°
  • Sõrmuse suurus: 21.5
  • Laius: 4 mm
White gold wedding ring "Comfort fit". The practical side of wearing rings with a comfort zone by lowering the middle of the ring, its inner part becomes more semi-circular. When putting on such a ring, the area of contact with the finger decreases, which makes this process much more convenient. Also, during the wearing process itself, the ring does not come into contact with its sharp edges with the finger, which stops possible discomfort.
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1. Keerake õhuke paberitükk ümber sõrme
2. Märkige punkt, kus paberiribad lõikuvad
3. Mõõtke ümbermõõt joonlauaga
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